Visualizing risk of infection to promote a safe and secure event venue
Japan Computer Vision Corp ("JCV") has set up their AI Thermography device "SenseThunder" at Tokyo Kiraboshi Financial Group Inc's ("Tokyo Kiraboshi FG") 6th Annual General Shareholders Meeting held on June 26th, as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of infection through effective temperature screening, and to provide safe access for all the participating shareholders.

Image is for illustration purposes only.
JCV's AI Thermography Solution "SenseThunder" integrates a thermal imaging camera with JCV's original facial recognition technology to enable effective fever screening by accurately detecting one's face in 0.5 seconds, even with face masks or sunglasses on. As one of the preventative measures taken to combat the Coronavirus outbreak, the AI Thermography device is installed at the entrance of the venue to help to assess the physical condition of the meeting participants. No personal data is stored throughout this deployment.
By installing SenseThunder, JCV hopes to assist in the self-monitoring of shareholder's individual condition through providing a safe environment. JCV will continue to assist the prevention of infection by providing safe and secure building access environments for diverse industries.
JCV AI Thermorgraphy Solution "SenseThunder"
Deployed Device : SenseThunder-Mini
Note: the device is not a medical instrument. Please seek a medical instrument for measuring body temperature or detecting body surface temperature for a medical purpose.